
Award-Winning! Japanese Writer Rie Kudan Uses ChatGPT for Creative Assistance

作者庄泽峰 / 2024-1-29 08:58

Introduction: Recently, Japanese writer Rie Kudan achieved the prestigious "Akutagawa Prize" for her novel "Tokyo-to Dojo-to / Tokyo Sympathy Tower," which was created with the assistance of ChatGPT.

This event has sparked controversy regarding the use of generative AI in the creative field. Despite Kudan expressing that ChatGPT helped her unleash her creative potential and viewing AI as a companion in the creative process, the use of such technology has raised a series of issues, including copyright and legal concerns. Similar controversies have also arisen in other fields, such as painting and photography.

The Potential of Generative AI in the Creative Field:
Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, possesses creative and innovative potential. It can assist writers, artists, and creators in unlocking their creative capabilities, providing new inspiration and ideas. Rie Kudan's award-winning work is an example of this, as she used ChatGPT to create a captivating novel that gained recognition in the literary world.

Controversies Surrounding Generative AI in the Creative Field:
However, the use of generative AI in the creative field has triggered a series of controversies. Firstly, these systems are trained on large corpora of other authors' works, raising issues related to copyright and intellectual property. Whether works created using these systems infringe on the rights of other authors needs careful consideration and resolution. Secondly, does the creative process of generative AI truly possess creativity, or is it merely mechanically imitating and repeating existing works? This is also a question that requires in-depth exploration.

Legal Issues Surrounding Generative AI:
In addition to copyright concerns, the creative output of generative AI also faces a range of legal issues. For example, does an AI model trained on others' works infringe on the original authors' copyrights? Clear legal frameworks need to be established to protect the rights of creators. Furthermore, can works created using generative AI enjoy copyright protection? This also requires thorough research and discussion within the legal community and relevant institutions.

The application of generative AI in the creative field brings innovation and potential but also raises a series of controversies. We need to carefully consider and address these issues to ensure that the use of generative AI respects copyright and legal principles, providing creators with more creative tools and possibilities. Simultaneously, it is crucial to establish appropriate legal frameworks to safeguard the rights of creators and promote the healthy development of the creative field.

标签: ChatGPT AI Writing Writing Novels with ChatGPT 分类Ping